Meri Bassi (Nepali:मेरी बास्सै) is a Nepali sitcom television series that began in 2006. Sitaram Kattel is the script writer, and director (co-director) and one of the major actors[1].Cast * Sitaram Kattel as धुर्मुश्* Kunjana Ghimire as सुन्तली* Kedar Gimire as माग्ने-बुढो* Surbir Pundit as दार्हि-बुढो* Surendra K.C. as मुला-साग* Ram Chandra Adhikari as गोक्ते काजी* Palpasa Dangol as चम्सुरी * Sunita Gautam as मैइया * Suraj Chapagain as बान्द्रे
part 1
part 2
Last part 3